Space Coast Christian Co-op was created by a group of parents seeking to enrich their homeschooled children’s education with quality Christian-based tutoring, while providing opportunities to learn and fellowship alongside other homeschooled students. We meet Thursdays on the beautiful campus of First Baptist Church of Cocoa (located in Cocoa Village) at 750 Brevard Ave, Cocoa, FL 32922
We are a cooperative, in every sense of the word, of parents, tutors, and students, all working together to create academic excellence in a loving environment.
About Our Tutors
All of our tutors have multiple years experience, and many with advanced degrees in their field. SCCC is blessed to have so many who are qualified to support parents in their homeschooling objectives.
We Pursue Excellence in Academics
Our tutors provide quality learning opportunities in a classroom setting so that students can enjoy working alongside their friends and peers. Our classes meet every Thursday during the Brevard County academic year from 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., with a 5-block schedule. The students are given a schedule to follow the remaining days of the week. You, the homeschooling parent, are ultimately their teachers and are responsible for following up with their work daily.
You are able to choose which classes you want your child to attend in an à la carte style. Classes require a Materials Fee, also payable to the tutor. Please see our Classes page for more on the Class Fees.
We Enjoy Fellowship
Academics are of primary importance, yet secondary to learning is the need for fellowship and support. Here at SCCC, we direct our love to God horizontally by allowing socialization and by encouraging student and parent support both on campus and out of Co-op. We serve our homeschooling community by hosting a dance during the year (for 7th – 12th graders) and a Prom for the high school students in the Spring. We also have field trips and extracurricular activities throughout the school year. Academically and socially, students and parents may be involved with extra-curricular activities, prayer, tutoring, homeschooling support, and encouragement. For Seniors, the SCCC celebrates with a Graduation Ceremony in May.
It’s All About Jesus
Our tutors base their lesson plans and curriculum on a Christian world view and teach in a loving and supportive atmosphere, working closely with their students and parents. During our Registration process, we ask our families to read and sign our Statement of Faith, which explains our Biblical beliefs.
SCCC Policies
For your reference, here is the Policies Agreement that you agree to upon registration.
“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!”
—Galatians 5:22, 23 NLT
Find Out More
Please take some time perusing our Classes. We hope you’ll join us on this exciting homeschooling journey!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!